Project Week
Building up a new topic from scratch is time consuming and you usually don't have the time. Vocational orientation and IT are not everyone's topics.
This guide contains a detailed concept for a project week at schools on the topic of IT career orientation. The central and associated learning content and materials were designed by experts in education together with IT companies.
This concept of a project week in regard of the field of IT is addressed to teachers working in the field of career orientation.
Material in English:
Materialien in Deutsch:
Why have we developed this product?
Project weeks at schools are a good way to promote modern work techniques and give students the opportunity to practise a variety of complex tasks as well as to act in a goal-oriented and team-oriented manner, thus preparing them for the demands of working life.
Objectives and target groups
During the project week, the pupils are introduced to occupations in the IT sector in a playful way.
- With the help of e-learning courses, an escape game, the design of their own project and much more, practical career orientation is intended to whet the appetite for more information in the IT career field.
- The required knowledge is contained in the concept guide.
- In principle, the concept can be used at any school within the framework of project weeks.
Our guide provides the content for a varied five-day project week:s
- Worksheets
- E-learning courses
- Ready-made tasks for the students
- Career interest test
- Escape Game
This will get your students excited about IT - without much extra effort!
And best of all, the guide and all materials are completely free!
ITONBOARD was funded by the European Union!
Your students will benefit from this!
All material in English
Alle Materialien in Deutsch